
Enjoy a restful night’s sleep in our signature Heavenly® Bed and wake up to a stunning view of the KL City skyline. Furnished with smart, modern designs, our skyline studio invites you to step into a space of comfort and convenience; featuring oversized work station, kitchenette and spa-inspired bathroom.

房间大小 : 409 – 431 ft/ 38 – 40 m2
客人: 3人
床(尺寸) : King or Twin


  • 冷气
  • 小吧台
  • 电话
  • Spa/健身房
  • 免费无线WIFI
  • NSF认证滤水机
  • 茶/咖啡机
  • 微波炉
  • 卧室配有49英寸电视


  • 禁烟客房
  • Kitchenette
  • 独特的Spa房
  • 超大办公空间和人体工学椅
  • 舒适的大床
  • 壮观的城市景观