GCR Travel & Tourism/*

By signing up, I agree to GCR Travel & Tourism's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Guest Refund Policy, and Host Guarantee Terms


GCR Travel & Tourism/*


Policies & Refund

GCR 国际旅游服务有限公司



  1. 交付,归还及更换

1.1 承租方接受所租车辆,即表示确认车辆符合车况检查报告,承租人同意对以后所发生的车辆损坏或丢失负全责。在车 辆归还,以及在出租方授权代表检查并出具书面报告之前,车辆均由承租方负全责。

1.2 承租人同意在协议约定的日期和时间将所租车辆,以及所有文件和配件(如备胎,工具箱等)完好归还到协议约定的 接收地点。

1.3 如车辆未按协议归定使用或承租方未能及时付款,出租方有权在任何时间收回所租车辆。

1.4 如果承租方在归还地点的非办公时间还车,则需要遵从出租方约定的非办公时间还车指示。任何情况下,承租方均应对车辆负全责,直到抵达预定还车地点,车辆由出租方检测后为止(由出租方书面确认)。

1.5 如果出租方同意承租方将车辆归还到出租方出租地点以外的地方,或出租方同意自己收车,在出租方实际收到车之前,承租方也应对车辆负全责。承租方应收到一份出租方签署的确认实际收到车辆的文件。

1.6 在车辆出租期间或之后,出租方不对承租人,任何乘客及第三方所遗留在车辆中的财物损坏或遗失负责。根据此条款,该类财物损失完全由承租方承担。

1.7 如果车辆因保养,置换,车祸或其他原因而需要更换,在出租方提出要求后,承租方应立即将车辆送还。出租方并不保证更换相同车辆给承租方。若未能及时保养可能产生的费用及车辆损坏均由承租方承担。

1.8 如没有承租人所要求的车辆,出租方可能同意承租人暂时使用升级车辆。一旦有所需车辆,则出租方会联系承租方更换车辆。在此情况下,承租方应根据出租方的要求立即归还。出租方将会发出三次换车请求,如果都没有答复,则会从有所需车辆的当日开始按照所升级车辆的价格向承租人收取出租费用。

1.9 如出租期间车辆需要维修,承租方需要马上通知我们。

2. 个人资料

  • 承租方授权出租方将其个人相关资料共享给有关部门,如警察局,交通局,犯罪调查科以及其他相关部门。


3. 汽车使用条件

3.1 出租性质的载客或载物。
3.2 承载超过车辆限乘人数的乘客。
3.3 所载物品因异味等原因而损害车辆或影响出租方再次出租。
3.4 推或拖任何车辆,拖车或其他物体。
3.5 赛车,测试或竞赛以及其他非法用途。
3.6 非泊油路面的马来西亚政府规定的道路越野驾驶,如洪水、海滩、沙丘等地。
3.7 承租方或其他司机因酒精,迷幻药,麻醉药,镇静催眠药或其他影响意识和行为能力的物品的影响。
3.8 违反任何关口,交通或其他有效法规。
3.9 Except for the person determined by the Renter for driving the car, and notifies GCR that this is additional driver (the persons mentioned in the agreement) others are not entitled to drive the car.
3.10 转租或转借给第三方或其他人。
3.11 离开马国境外。
3.12 出租方已经告知的为禁区的地域。


4. 保险政策

4.1 租车的租金包括以下汽车保险:

(a) 对第三方死亡或伤害的无限责任;和
(b) 财产损失赔偿责任仅限每次发生RM3,000,000.00。


i. 应提交有关事故的警方报告;和
ii. 应在事故发生后二十四(24)小时内向GCR报告事故。

(a) 如果对租赁车辆造成任何损失或损坏,租车人应负责支付租赁车辆的损失或损坏的全部费用,包括但不限于人工,拖车和仓储费用以及GCR使用租赁车辆的每日费用。

(b) 但是,如果租赁车辆的租赁费用包括CDW,则租车人对GCR在租赁车辆造成的损失或损坏方面的责任应限于以下最大责任:

车价分类/车况分类 赔偿金
300 千马币及以下:2,500.00
300-350 千马币:3,000.00
350-800 千马币:5,000.00


a) 豪华车系列,承租方/驾驶员需要一年以上驾龄,25岁以上年龄及最高年龄为65岁;
b) 普通车系列,承租方/驾驶员需要一年以上驾龄,21岁以上年龄及最高年龄为65岁;
c) “P” 驾照不允许驾驶所租车辆;



5. 损害/损失,失窃和其他相关

5.1 一旦出现车辆或任何零件的损害/损失,失窃,包括火灾以及玻璃破损,如果承租方/驾驶员违反本协议条款,法规,关口/保险规定,不论是否因承租方的过失,均应赔偿出租方的一切损失和花费(包括但不限于更换或恢复成本,维修成本,跌价赔偿以及租金损失)。

5.2 如果因为燃油污染和/或在洪水/水渍/海滩/沙丘/越野驾驶导致的任何车辆损坏由承租方负全责。

5.3 由承租方造成的损失,出租方可能按相应的租金收取赔偿,直到出租方收到维修好的所租车辆或替代车辆为止。

5.4 一旦出现事故(不论车辆是否损坏),人员伤亡,车辆或零件被盗,承租方必须通知出租方并报警,在提交警察所要求的文件,信息或按流程以获得警方出具的有效的报告(“警方报告”)。承租方应将该类警方报告复印件发送给出租方。一旦承租方在一定期限内,没能将警方报告复印件发送给出租方,则车损险和下文提及的其他保险均无效,承租方因此负责赔偿出租方车辆遗失或任何损坏造成的实际损失。

5.5 承租方不能有破坏现有或有效的保险政策的行为,尤其是不能承认对第三方的任何责任。否则承租方须单独对第三方承担赔偿责任。

5.6 任何情况下,如果因承租方过失和/或任何第三方就承租方的行为或过失而向出租方提出索赔,而保险公司拒绝赔付的话,承租方需支付全额赔偿给出租方。

5.7 承租方需协助出租方和/或其保险公司处理与交通事故或车辆损坏有关的一切索赔。承租方的该类责任也适用于失窃事件。

5.8 如果警方报告/维修记录无法确定第三方事故责任方,则承租方应承担出租方的一切开支和成本,保险不涵盖轮胎和车窗,承租方需自行承担该两项的更换费用。

5.9 未经出租方的书面同意,不得擅自维修车辆。

5.10 若承租方违反有关的规定,则保险政策有可能被取消,在此情况下,承租方应对因自己的过失产生的出租方的维护成本,损坏和损失负责。

5.11 假如出现车牌号被盗事件,承租方应及时与警方联络并出具报告文件,然后将报告交付于租车行并配合补办。

5.12 承租方在租赁汽车期间,务必选择安全的地方停泊车辆。否则,对车辆所造成的任何伤害,包括不可抗因素,承租方均无法在保险公司获得赔偿,承租方承担出租方的一切损失以及车辆的维修等相关费用。

6. 法律和仲裁


7. 收费

7.1 出租方保留不作另行通知而在任何时候调整其条款例如收费标准的权利。本协议的条款仅为通则,并不构成出租方特定保留权利的弃权。

7.2 如果归还车辆需要清洗,则可能会收取相应的清洗费用。

7.3 由于承租方的疏忽或过失造成需要道路援助而使用拖车服务将车辆送往修车厂,则会收取所产生的额外费用。

7.4 承租方应按照本协议相关条款规定的租金/费率及时付款给出租方。如果续租,或本协议终止或到期后承租方无法按时归还车辆,则出租方将按当时即时和有效费率来收取承租方的新租金/费率。

7.5 承租方在此授权出租方从承租方的押金中预先扣除依照本协议中规定的相关费用。(如租金和其他任何附加收费,如交通罚款,交通罚单,过路费,损坏赔偿,燃油等)

8. 退款


9. 赔款


10. 语言及翻译


Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the general terms on how we protect the privacy of your Personal Data under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”).  GCR Travel & Tourism Sdn Bhd (Co. No 1236513-P) is committed to the protection of your Personal Data and takes the matter of protecting your privacy as a high priority matter. All the users must read and understand this Privacy Policy as it has been formulated to safeguard the user’s privacy. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy that govern GCR Travel & Tourism (12365-13-P) relationship with you in relation to this website.

The term “GCR Travel & Tourism” or “us” or “we” refers to: The owner of the website whose registered address is 149A, Jalan Aminuddin Baki, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur W.P. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of our website. GCR Travel & Tourism Sdn Bhd reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of use and the content of the website without any prior notification.

Use of Personal Information

  1. GCR Travel & Tourism Sdn Bhd collects personally identifiable information from the visitors to our website only on a voluntary basis. Your personal data will be processed by us or by parties acting on our behalf. Such personal data will include (but will not be limited to)
    • Name, company name, job title;
    • Contact information including address, telephone number and email address;
    • Demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests;
    • national registration identity card number, passport number, nationality, race, birth date, gender.
  2. . We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
    • Improvement of our products and services;
    • Improve the content of our website;
    • Notify our visitors of updates;
    • Respond to visitor inquiries; and
    • Administrative purposes and statistical analysis.
  3. . We may collect your personal data from the following sources:
    • From you;
    • From your usage of the products and/or services;
    • From any communication provided by you to us;
    • From any publicly available source; and
    • From any third party.
  4. We may disclose your personal data to the following parties:
    • A party to whom disclosure is provided for under law or required by an authority;
    • A company related to us;
    • Our business partners, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors, service providers, and suppliers;
    • Auditors, consultants, accountants, lawyers, or advisors;
    • Any other party to whom disclosure is, in our estimation, necessary and/or reasonable in the circumstances; and
    • Any such third party as may be requested or authorized by you.
  5. You have the right to request access to and to request correction of your personal data. We reserve the right to refuse any request for access or correction to your personal data. To exercise this right, please contact us using the contact information provided in this document. Note that your exercise of the aforesaid right may have effects on our provision of the products and/or services (such effects may include the non-provision of the products and/or services) to you and we are not liable for any loss, damage, or any other liability resulting directly or indirectly from such effects.
  6. You have the right to limit our processing of your personal data. To exercise this right, please contact us using the contact information provided in this document. Note that your exercise of the aforesaid right may have effects on our provision of the products and/or services (such effects may include the non-provision of the products and/or services) to you and we are not liable for any loss, damage, or any other liability resulting directly or indirectly from such effects.
  7.  The personal data you provide to us is obligatory and necessary in order for us to provid you with the products and/or services. Any failure to provide such personal data may have effects on our provision of the products and/or services (such effects may include the nonprovision of the products and/or services) to you and we are not liable for any loss, damage, or any other liability resulting directly or indirectly from such effects.
  8. You may request for access to and/or correction of your personal data and to contact us with any enquiries or complaints in respect of the use of your personal data as follows:
    GCR Travel & Tourism Sdn Bhd (1236513-P) 1, Jalan PPU 2A, Taman
    Perindustrian Puchong Utama, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
    Hotline: 1800-880-666
    Email: gcrtravel@yahoo.com

If you wish to cancel before your rental pick-up time, you must notify us through email gcrtravel@yahoo.com.

Once cancelled, we will credit you within approximately seven business days.
Credits will be applied to the same card with which you prepaid.
• If you cancel your booking more than 1 day (24 Hours) before your specified pick-up time, you will receive a full refund minus a cancellation fee of RM300.
• If you cancel your booking less than 1 day (24 Hours) before your specified pick-up time, you will receive a full refund minus a cancellation fee of RM500.
• If you pick-up or return vehicle after the specified pick-up time has passed, you will be charged RM50 per hour, maximum waiting time (2 hours). If more than 2 hours, you will be charged daily rental rate.
• If you pick-up or return vehicle after our business hour (Monday – Saturday 0900 – 1800), you will be charged RM50.
• If you pick-up or return vehicle on Public Holidays & Sunday, you will be charged RM100.
• If you fail to pick up your vehicle on the specified pick-up-date, you will receive no refund.
• If you return the vehicle before the original return date (early return), you will not be refunded any portion of the payment.

Step 1: Enquiry from customer.
Step 2: Customer choose the services they want either car rental or tour packages.
Step 3: Customer confirmed booking.
Step 4: Customer must pay full amount of rental fees 7 days before start of the trip.
Step 5: A deposit of RM 3,000 will be charged upon collecting vehicle. This applicable only for customers that rent GCR’s vehicle without GCR’s driver.
Step 6: Deposit can be collect either credit card, cash or bank transfer only.
Step 7: After full amount of rental fees & deposit has been settled, customers will begin the trip.
Step 8: End of the trip, GCR will calculate the extra fees that involve such as driver’s extra time, summons, damages of the car during rental, then we will deduct the amount that we charged for penalties, and return the balance to customers in 14 working days.